Without Starfall you have to MOD a GC Controller to press all 4 ways of the digi pad to same time and you need a Original Game Disc with a update on it, higher as your installed FW. If you have a Modchip set to autoboot disc´s than you can use a backup instead of a Original disc. For Starfall you dono need to MOD your GC Pad.
And you could use Backups if the disc size will match the 4,37GB. I self have testet the semi unbrick disc but it does not work without a modchip. There for I made the "Universal Unbrick Disc" becouse the disc will match the 4,37GB and it hase the FW 3.3 update + the WAD Manager as main.dol in the game partition.I will show you how to start both rescue menu´s, with an without starfall and i will use the universal unbrick disc with starfall to upgrade (unbrick) my Wii to FW3.3.
When you could use it?
If you run into a brick and your Wii does not start the menu any more but will boot (green led and spinning drive) you have a good chance to be able to start the Wii internal rescue menu to install a FW update or the system menu.wad + IOS via WAD Manager what will unbrick your Wii if you lucky. If your Wii does not boot any more than your only chance will be Nintendo or a pre-dumped NAND image of your consoles flash chip.
Lets start with the normal Recue Menu Methode:
Open up your GC pad useing a triwing scruew driver.Before you open the pad turn around than open it.
Take the digi pad part of and in the center cut of the nipple.On my picture it will be allready cuted of.
Put all back together and connect it to port 4. The next step will be a little bit tricky. You need the correct timing to boot into
the Rescue Menu. Under FW 3.2 you will see nothing more than a blank black screen. On FW 3.2 and higher you will see a FW x.x down in the
right corner. Here a Vid of booting the Rescue Menu with normall method:
The Starfall Rescue Menu Methode:
To use this you must have installed the Starfall rescue menu hacks.Than just connect the GC pad to port 1 and press "Y" duoring bootup. Hier a Vid of it in action:
Unbrick your Wii:
Now we know both methodes i will go on and upgrade my CFW 3.2 Wii with my Universal Unbrick Disc to a FW 3.3 Wii.
Hier the Vid:
As you can see it hase not installed the update but started the WAD Manager.Even better becouse you could choose the wad you want to install!
My Universal Unbrick Disc will be set to autoboot and i forgot that this will disable the update and directly load the main.dol from the second partition.
This works on my Softmodded Wii with CFW and Starfall installed.It should also work with a Modchip (even with no autoboot seted) and no Starfall installed.
Anyway with the WAD Manager you will be secured but i want to find a IOS to set the partition to load what will be present on every Wii. Becouse last time i haved a wii without the IOS35 what the second partition of the uud will be load and i cant start the WAD Manager even the app reload the IOS249.
Before reloading IOS the IOS from the game partition must be present to be load into the ram.I will try it with IOS4 what will be the
update driver and present on every wii. If it works i will reupload the uud.
-Good Luck in Unbricking your Wii- :)
Fonte: www.PS3News.com
Diego, I have bricked my Wii last night and I am searching for help. I think what you have can help me solve my problem.
ResponderExcluirI believe you're from Brazil as I can see by your name. Since I'm brazilian too, would it be possible to exchange e-mails with you in Portuguese?
My case is a little different: System Menu 4.0, I have Homebrew installed and the problem is that I uninstalled IOS60 (stupid, I know).
Thanks for any help!
Pode sim anônimo.
ResponderExcluirIxi cara, vc n pode desinstalar a IOS60 de jeito nenhum.
Por acaso vc tem o bootmii como boot2 e o backup da sua nand?
ResponderExcluirTive o seguinte problema: comprei um wii que ja estava hackeado para rodar jogos piratas, com backup channel e etc, no entanto eu costumo jogar apenas jogos de locadora, o problema foi que eu tentei atualizar o firmware do meu wii sem saber que isso ia dar problema com os jogos originais tbm, achei que ia apenas eliminar o backup channel, que eu não usava por sinal... Agora fica aparecendo um erro 003, pesquisei bastante sobre ele e encontrei algumas coisas... Será que poderia me ajudar? Meu wii é USA, atualizou para versão 4.2U, consigo abrir a tela que tem o "4.2 (USA)" usando um antigo controle de GC, comprei um drivekey pq me falaram que com ele eu podia dar autoboot nos dvds de recovery.. mas não estou conseguindo fazer ele bootar ... ou simplesmente o dvd de recovery qye usei não presta mesmo e não faz nada...
se possivel, me envia um e-mail pra falarmos por lá: brickedmywii@hot
Ola diego eu estou com full brick em meu wii e estou com medo de comprar o savemii ou savemiifree tenho medo pq e se n funcionar eh dinheiro jogado fora certo?
ResponderExcluirpor favor me mande um e-mail no meu msn
funciona em wiis sem modchip??? e se eu colocar um modchip no wii brickado resolve??
ResponderExcluirmeu wii e coreano e esta com full brick tela preta nao aparesse nada nem apertando o comtrole do game cube ..nem pawer e reset..nem o cd esta rodando ... como faço para cria um alto boot direto do cartao sd ,,,,meu email e ...felipe3red@hotmail.com